- January 8, 2023
- By Autocare Centre Chepstow
- In MOT, Tips & Guides
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MOTs are something every car owner will have to endure once every 12 months after their car reaches 3 years old. The test is designed to ensure the car is roadworthy and safe to drive. If a car doesn’t pass MOT legal requirements, it cannot legally be taxed, insured, or driven – and being caught doing the latter can result in fines of up to £2500.
If your MOT is approaching in 2023, you may be worried about whether your vehicle is going to pass or fail. Thankfully, there are some simple checks which you can do to give your vehicle the best chance of passing first time.
Our MOT checklist will ensure that you don’t get caught short by a common fault on your next visit to the garage.
Here are some things you should check before taking your car for its MOT test.
Turn all your vehicle’s lights on and have a friend or family member walk around your car to make sure no lights are dimmed or broken. Don’t forget to check your number plate lights too (at least one of the two must be working in order to pass your MOT)
Check the functionality of your brakes in a safe environment. If they feel loose or unresponsive, it’s likely you’ll need to visit a garage before taking your car in for its MOT.
The minimum legal tyre tread depth is 1.6mm across the central ¾ of the tyre. Anything less than this will be marked as an MOT fail. To test the tread depth of your tyres, there is a simple 20p test you can carry out to determine whether or not you need them replaced.
To find out more about the safety of your tyres, read our dedicated blog post.
Try and test your horn somewhere where it’s unlikely to startle other drivers, cyclists, or pedestrians.
Ensure there are no stickers or other obstructions to your view which could cause an MOT failure. This includes large air fresheners or decorative hangings from your rear-view mirror as well as cracks or chips on the windscreen: any damage 10mm or more in the zone directly in front of the driver will result in failure.
Check your car owner manual to determine what your dashboard warning lights mean. Note that if your Engine Management light is on, this will automatically result in an MOT fail as it’s classed as a major fault.
You can check your engine oil level using your dipstick and be sure to top up with enough fuel prior to your MOT.
Check whether the driver’s seat moves normally and locks securely in any position without difficulty. Seatbelts should not have any cuts or fraying, should clip in and out without hassle and should retract properly. Be sure to check every seatbelt and not just the drivers.
Your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) must also be displayed and legible. This can usually be found on the base of the windscreen or on a metal panel under the bonnet. To be on the safe side, ensure these areas are wiped down before heading for your MOT.
Download your printable MOT checklist here.
While the above checklist will give your vehicle the best chance of passing its MOT, there are many other parts of your car that could cause a failure if found not to be in working order.
These include but aren’t limited to:
Whilst the majority of cars are required to have an annual MOT, there are some who may own vehicles that are exempt from this:
For those who don’t have to worry about getting an MOT, they must declare their vehicle is exempt by completing a V112. Without the completion of this form, owners will not be able to tax their vehicle.
You can download a copy of the V112 form on the GOV.UK website.
Although these vehicles do not legally require an MOT, it is still important that they are kept in roadworthy condition to avoid breakdown or accidents. An annual service will help to keep these vehicles in good condition and avoid costly repairs in the future.
It is easy to check when your next MOT is due. Simply use the GOV.UK tool to enter your vehicle’s registration number and model and your MOT and tax status will be revealed in a matter of seconds.
Strictly, no, you cannot drive your car without an MOT. The only time this is acceptable is if you are driving your car to the MOT centre for its test. Bear in mind though that if your vehicle is found not to be roadworthy at this point, you can still be prosecuted and fined.
There’s no minimum or maximum time set for how long an MOT should take but most vehicle owners should expect the test take around 45 to 60 minutes to be completed. Please note this is for the MOT itself, we may require your car in for longer as during busy MOT periods we may ask you to drop your vehicle off to us first thing in the morning. We do offer courtesy loan cars to customers (subject to availability, please ask when you book) to ensure you can keep mobile whilst your vehicle is with us.
The amount you pay for an MOT depends on the type of vehicle you own. Whilst different garages will charge various prices, there is a maximum fee which can be found on the GOV.UK website.
The maximum fee for a car is currently £54.85 and £29.65 for a motorcycle. Please note you do NOT pay VAT on an MOT fee.
In following the above checklist, you should now be prepared for your next MOT. At our Autocare Centre in Chepstow, we offer free retesting with any remedial work carried out by us so you can be sure that even in the worst-case scenario, you won’t have to pay twice for the MOT test.
To book an MOT inspection with Autocare, please fill out our request form or call us today on 01291 627 137 and we can help over the phone.